;Zodiacal dates-sidereal ;The "sidereal" dates (those that divide the zodiac starting with the alignment of the Sun with a distant star in Aries) are used outside the United States & western Europe. ;Sidereal zodiac is used by astronomers, Sidereal and Vedic astrologers. Dates will vary depending on the year. ;The Sidereal zodiac is a physical reality depicting commonly acknowledged pictures made up of groups of stars used by astronomers, Vedic and Sidereal astrologers. ;http://www.mybirthchart.com/signs.aspx ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_Star-gr-S.gif COMMENT=Updated August 17, 2015 \nused outside the United States & western Europe 14.4. =astrological sign Aries of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Ram) >14.5. (±1 day solar observation) 15.5. =astrological sign Taurus of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Bull) >14.6. (±1 day solar observation) 15.6. =astrological sign Gemini of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Twins) >16.7. (±1 day solar observation) 17.7. =astrological sign Cancer of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Crab) >16.8. (±1 day solar observation) 17.8. =astrological sign Leo of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Lion) >16.9. (±1 day solar observation) 17.9. =astrological sign Virgo of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Virgin) >17.10. (±1 day solar observation) 18.10. =astrological sign Libra of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Scale) >16.11. (±1 day solar observation) 17.11. =astrological sign Scorpius of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Scorpion) >15.12. (±1 day solar observation) 16.12. =astrological sign Sagittarius of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Archer) >14.1. (±1 day solar observation) 15.1. =astrological sign Capricornus of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Goat) >12.2. (±1 day solar observation) 13.2. =astrological sign Aquarius of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Water) >14.3. (±1 day solar observation) 15.3. =astrological sign Pisces of the sidereal zodiac (symbol Fish) >13.4. (±1 day solar observation) ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac ;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidereal_and_tropical_astrology